I hope everyone had an easy and meaningful fast! Now that we’re ended Yom Kippur, we are ready to jump right back into more mitzvot. It’s time to get ready for Sukkot!
Sukkot is a harvest festival where we live (eat, some sleep) in booths – flimsy, temporary dwellings with a roof where you can see the stars. We shake our 4 species (lulav and etrog) and remember that we are completely in Hashem’s hands. (For more details, check out this summary.) Sukkot begins after sundown October 2, 2020. Here’s a link to a calendar for you to determine exactly when it falls for you (and times).
Sukkot (or Sukkos, or Succos…)
- Sukkot 2020 plan
- Sukkot Menu Template (with total cooking plan, blank grocery list, and staples)
- Sukkot Menu plan (2011), (2012) and (2013), (2020)
- Sukkot checklist (for before candlelighting)
Here are some posts that might be useful for you:
- Sukkot menus and resources
- Sukkot planning
- Sukkot menus and resources
- A waterproof Sukkot chain
- Tips for making Sukkot easier
While you are working on your menu, here are some other links that might help:
- Easy Quick Sukkot Menu
- Lots of Sukkot recipe links
- Ashkenazic traditional Sukkot menu
- Aish.com’s Sukkot menus page
- Some good-for-Sukkot recipes
What do you recommend to read around the web for Sukkot? Anything exciting planned?
The post Sukkot resources and links 2020 first appeared on Organized Jewish Home.